4 Wochen
1 Wettkampf
4 weeks
1 comp
It’s that time again!!! On 02.09 our 4-week competition for everyone starts again! As in the last years, we will be setting 11 new boulders in the RELAXED and POWER category every Monday!
How good do I have to be at bouldering to take part?
Everyone who likes bouldering can take part in our competition! We have two categories, depending on how well you can already boulder!
😎 Relaxed= Yellow, blue, turquoise, red and a bit of purple
💥 Power= turquoise, red, purple, black and a bit of white
How does it work?
You register via blocsport.net and enter your ascents yourself. The boulders are numbered and will be online from the respective qualification week. Setting will take place on 09/02, 09/09, 09/16 and 09/23.
The qualification phase ends on 27 September at 11:59 PM. So you have 4 weeks time for a total of 44 boulders. Last entry of the boulders is 09/27/2024, 11:59 PM.
You can see your current position in the ranking list.
On 28 September at 6 pm is the FINAL, the 6 best FINTA and 6 best OTHERS from the POWER category will compete.
For the RELAXED category, there will be a winners‘ ceremony with great prizes on 28 September.
Can you win something?
We are giving away great prizes among all participants: 1x annual pass, 2x 11 tickets, hoodies & T-shirts.
Does participation cost anything?
Participation in the cup is free of charge. You only pay the entrance fee to the hall. See you at the 4 weeks competition!